If you follow me on facebook (bless you...I'm kind of a serial poster...I post every little thought that pops into my head), you probably already know that recently, my husband and I decided to go wheat free. I have been absolutely STUNNED at how interested people have been in this choice of ours! Some people are very defensive about their love for wheat, others think we've gone completely batty, and most are curious and very interested in why we made this choice and exactly how we're doing it. So, naturally, I figured I would blog about it to answer any questions and offer my tips for anyone interested in trying this out.
First of all, I should explain exactly what caused us to make this change in our lives. Recently, my grandfather passed away. At his visitation, my mom's cousin Dianne walked in, stood beside me, gave me that, "Oh, I'm so excited to see you!!!!" look..and I just stared at her, like..um, who are you? I did not even recognize her! Not only had her body completely transformed (weight loss), she was literally GLOWING! I had never seen her so full of life. I bet you can guess where this is going...her transformation was because she gave up wheat.
I was sold! I had heard others tell me about the positive effects of eliminating wheat, but this was the first time I had seen such a huge physical change.
So, when we got home and decompressed from all of the grieving, we decided to make the change. Actually, I decided to make the change, and my husband, being the trooper that he is, promised to do it with me because he wanted me to succeed and knew how difficult it would be if I were wheat free and he were stuffing his face with pizza and biscuits every day. (Let's face it...I would fail miserably.)
So, we are wrapping up week 2 of no wheat and I have to say, I have NEVER felt better. I have not lost any weight yet...but that's probably due to the fact that I can't keep my hands out of the GIANT bag of M&M's that are in our teacher's lounge. However, I do feel a major shift in my energy level, focus, and mental clarity. Now, when I get home from work, I am able to cook and get things done, rather than just collapsing on the couch, completely exhausted. (Which means, it's probably helping my body deal with my Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease. Bonus!) I also strangely feel more calm. I am less irritable, and much more patient. Yay! I know my students and husband love that.
So, if you want to try this out...here are the tips I can offer so far.
1. Read "The Wheat Belly Diet" book. It's a bit radical...but, it does a great job of explaining what wheat does to your body, and what you can and should not eat. I haven't read the entire book...I've skimmed it, and I have it setting out in my kitchen so I can refer back to it when I have a question. (I borrowed this book from my mom...I should probably give it back one day.) http://www.wheatbelly.com/ <- This is the website, where you can look at the book and other tidbits of Wheat Belly info.
2. Realize that this is a lifestyle change and NOT a diet. Cutting out wheat for a while, losing the weight you want, then going back to eating an overload of wheat is not going to do you any good. You have to make up your mind that this is your lifestyle now (unless it doesn't work for you..then, by all means, go back to eating wheat).
3. If it ends up being easy for you to cut out wheat, I would say it's safe to sneak in a wheat snack once in a while. If you have a hard time giving up wheat, don't let yourself sneak any wheat back into your diet! For me, it was easy, so I can confidently have a wheat snack (birthday party cupcake, my favorite Chinese dish), and have no problems staying away from it after that. However, if you have a hard time, letting wheat back into your diet will probably trigger cravings and send you right back to what got you here in the first place.
4. Really research what you can and can't eat. The book has a great section that breaks down what foods you can have all the time, sometimes, and never. You need to understand, that while wheat is the main issue, there are a lot of other foods that you should avoid...like corn, sugar (I'm still working on that one), and "gluten free" snacks.
For me, this transition has been simple and so rewarding. For some, it's like trying to detox from drugs. It all depends on your mindset and how your body processes wheat and regulates insulin.
I hope this gives some insight and answers questions for those of you who are interested in going wheat free! I can't promise it will work for you, but from my experience, I would say it's definitely worth a shot!
Excuse the Superlatives
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Kindness, Confidence, and Waiting Too Long
Robin Williams's passing has me full of emotion today.
The first emotion is gratitude. Even though he never knew me, Robin Williams is hugely responsible for my silliness. I was always a little quirky and luckily, grew up on his films and shows. I still remember the day my mom sat me down and MADE me watch my first episode of Mork & Mindy. I remember how excited she was for me to see his comedy. I'm sure I pretended not to like it (that's what daughters do, right?), but inside, I was so happy to see someone FAMOUS acting the way that I always felt on the inside. As I got a little older, and began to worry about fitting in, I would see him on tv, and think, "He isn't afraid to be himself!" It's wrong to idolize someone, but I idolized him. I idolized his confidence and lack of inhibition.
The second emotion I feel is guilt. Obviously, it is very unlikely that I could have ever expressed to him my gratitude for his fearlessness. My gut reaction is, he might have rolled his eyes, thought I was weird, or just thrown my letter in the trash.
Stop and think about that for a second.
How often do we go through life, not making an effort to extend kindness to EVERYONE we meet. What is the main reason? Not because we don't care, not because we think we're better, but because we don't have the confidence.
I look back on my life and reflect on all of the times I could have, should have, extended kindness to someone. Just this Sunday, a girl sat next to me in church and I thought she had the most beautiful hair. Did I tell her? No. Why? Because I didn't have the confidence to disturb her. (Usually I'm much better about this, because I have made a conscious effort to share these thoughts, no matter what the other person might think...but this Sunday, I missed the chance.) Maybe she hears this compliment all the time, but I bet it still would have added just a little bit of spark to HER self-confidence.
I also reflect on the bigger things. I think about friendships that have fallen through the cracks. I think about fights with family. I think of all of the times that I could have extended an olive branch. Luckily, it's not too late for most of those.
The greatest guilt I feel is for the olive branches I didn't extend in time. Today, I am thinking about my sweet friend Bryce. He was my own personal Robin Williams. He made me unstoppable. Looking back now, I wouldn't extend him an olive branch...I would give him the entire tree.
I think back on Junior Prom. While everyone else was bumping and grinding (ew.), we went out into the middle of the dance floor and danced our Musical Theater choreography to Footloose. Did everyone think we were nerds? Probably. Did we care? No. As long as Bryce was next to me, I wasn't afraid of what anyone thought.
It sounds silly, and I hate to share this...but I'm not perfect and neither is anyone who is reading this now.
When we were kids, Bryce wrote me a letter. He specifically said, "Don't show this to anyone." Well, as I was leaving school, I opened the letter, a friend ran up to me, and Bryce was sitting on the school bus watching. He called me that evening (on my home phone..remember when we had those?) and he was HURT. One careless moment hurt the truest friend anyone could ever ask for. Now, the letter didn't have anything major in it, but the principle of carelessly hurting my friend, has always stuck with me. I still have the letter, and one day I will use it to teach my daughter about the impact of our choices.
Anyway, he forgave me and we were close friends all through high school. He came to my Baptism- which I was terrified about, because I was baptized in the church of of the boyfriend I had just broken up with, and the only people I knew there were that ex's family. Bryce was there. He didn't care what anyone thought, he only cared that I was confident in my decision and that NOTHING could make me turn around. I hope that he gets HUGE credit for that in heaven.
(Cry break!)
My story with Bryce gets a little fuzzy after that. I graduated, focused on silly things like sororities and boyfriends, then I moved to Texas. I watched him on Facebook, living out the dream we shared as kids, and always felt like I NEEDED to reach out to him. To tell him that I was so grateful for the impact he had on my life. Then he got sick. I didn't know what to do, so I wrote him a Facebook message and prayed that he would read it before it was too late. Guess what, it was too late.
I have ALWAYS, and will ALWAYS carry such a heavy guilt for being too afraid to reach out to him sooner. To tell him that he inspired me every single day.
I do find a little comfort though in knowing that he is still around. I don't care what anybody says, I know he's with me.
The moral of the story is- NEVER be afraid to extend kindness to someone. It can be a compliment on their pretty hair, it can be gratitude for something the have done. It doesn't matter.
Our lives are so full of negativity. We wear confident faces, but on the inside, we are afraid to build up other people for fear that they might cut us down. That never actually happens. And if it does, at least you can have peace in your heart that you did your part.
This blog was incredibly difficult for me to write. I hate to share any weakness, and every fiber (almost) of my being, wants to delete it all.
BUT- what's more important than myself is that we all think about our actions, step outside of our comfort zone, and make life just a little bit better for everyone that we can. Robin Williams did that, Bryce Blair did that, I hope that one day, I can leave that legacy as well.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
A Beautiful Weekend
I think by now, pretty much everyone knows that I just got back from the 2nd Annual Younique Convention. If not, SURPRISE! :)
To say that it was an incredible weekend would be an understatement. In fact, I can't really even think of a word that seems appropriate!
Our weekend started on Friday morning, when we were immediately immersed in the Younique culture of enthusiasm and celebration of individuality and personal beauty. On the way, I got stuck in Dallas traffic...of course. When I realized I was running late, I immediately began to panic. I imagined walking into the convention center and disrupting the entire event, but luckily that's not how it happened! I was greeted by smile after smile, then met my team who had so sweetly saved me a seat in the PACKED banquet hall.
The rest of the weekend was filled with classes during the day and banquets and dancing at night. You would think our classes would have been all about makeup and sales, right? Wrong.
While we did have a few classes on those topics, the majority of what they focused on teaching us was to have confidence in ourselves and to go after our dreams. I learned how to get my girl back (Google Traci Bild...she's AMAZING), how to excel as a leader, and how to step out of my comfort zone. I have to say, I left with a million times the confidence I had when I first arrived. That in itself, would have been enough...but the awesomeness didn't stop there! We were EACH sent home with over $500 in products!
And did I mention- the girls on my team are amazing! It was so great getting to know them all and I can't wait to see where the future takes us all! We are unstoppable!
I also took pictures with the founders Derek and Melanie...but I was running on 3 hours of sleep, so of course I don't like the pictures! But that's okay because soon, I will reach Green Status and I will get to go to company headquarters and meet them again! :D
Now, who's ready for announcements?!
And last but not least- in fact, the BEST part of all! Introducting, The Younique Foundation! Visit the link below to hear what our founder and CEO had to say about WHY we sell lashes.(If for no other reason, watch this to see his youngest daughter's reaction to the crowd! Priceless.)
To say that it was an incredible weekend would be an understatement. In fact, I can't really even think of a word that seems appropriate!
Our weekend started on Friday morning, when we were immediately immersed in the Younique culture of enthusiasm and celebration of individuality and personal beauty. On the way, I got stuck in Dallas traffic...of course. When I realized I was running late, I immediately began to panic. I imagined walking into the convention center and disrupting the entire event, but luckily that's not how it happened! I was greeted by smile after smile, then met my team who had so sweetly saved me a seat in the PACKED banquet hall.
The rest of the weekend was filled with classes during the day and banquets and dancing at night. You would think our classes would have been all about makeup and sales, right? Wrong.
While we did have a few classes on those topics, the majority of what they focused on teaching us was to have confidence in ourselves and to go after our dreams. I learned how to get my girl back (Google Traci Bild...she's AMAZING), how to excel as a leader, and how to step out of my comfort zone. I have to say, I left with a million times the confidence I had when I first arrived. That in itself, would have been enough...but the awesomeness didn't stop there! We were EACH sent home with over $500 in products!
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In case you can't tell, all of those items are arranged in a GIGANTIC makeup case! Seriously...I think I could live in it. |
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With my Black Level Upline- Whitney Husband |
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Pure Glam in the Photo Booth ;) |
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I have a "thing" for weird glasses. |
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Sweet Lidra! |
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Margie!!! I was in the middle of a min-crisis and she swooped in, took me under her wing, and let me have my meltdowns then built me back up! I pray that God showers her with blessings- she is a SAINT! |
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Dinner time! |
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A sneak peek of the dress I ALMOST wore. (Sigh...) |
Now, who's ready for announcements?!
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We're expanding to the U.K.! I am looking for ladies to sponsor "across the pond," so if you know anyone who loves top-quality cosmetics and/or wants to change her life, please send her my way! |
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CHICAGO!!!! Here we come! This is close to home for me so I am EXCITED! |
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Our presenter kit is changing, October 1st. |
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New Product Launch Dates |
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Isn't she pretty?! |
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Uplift Details |
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We got to take all of these home and, well...I'm obsessed with them. |
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Almost all of our products are being transitioned to be manufactured in the USA! Guess what everyone's getting for Christmas at my house! (We have a "USA-made only" gift rule.) |
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Our new moisturizer. <3 |
Monday, July 28, 2014
Hostessing a Younique Event
If you're reading this post, you may be interested in hostessing a Younique online "party!" I wanted to share with you what the process is like and how you can earn free products and rewards!
So, here's how it works:
-You decide the length of your party. It can be 3, 5, or 10 days.
- I set up the event for you through my website.
-We decide the best platform for your party. Your options are,
*Just sharing your party link on your personal social media accounts and email. This is the "easiest" option, but it is also the least effective.
* Inviting your guests to an online event or group. I will set this up for you, and then you send out the invites. In the event or group, I will make daily posts about products and I will answer any questions you or your friends might have. The more you interact, the more successful your party will be!
*Hostessing an event in your home or business. You invite your guests, I bring all of my goodies and perform makeovers and product demonstrations.
- Earn rewards! As your friends purchase items through your party link, you earn Hostess rewards! These rewards post to your shopping account as Y-Cash AND half-price products!
Frequently asked questions-
Does it cost money to be a hostess?
No way, Jose! It's totally free!
Do I have to post about products?
I will post product information, but the more you interact, the more successful your party will be. If you have a product you LOVE, post pictures and your testimonial! Your friends know you and will trust your honest opinion.
Can I keep track of my Hostess rewards during the party?
Yes! You can click your party link any time to see a chart that will show where you are with rewards. The only people who can see this info are myself and you, so don't worry about anyone else viewing it!
So, here's how it works:
-You decide the length of your party. It can be 3, 5, or 10 days.
- I set up the event for you through my website.
-We decide the best platform for your party. Your options are,
*Just sharing your party link on your personal social media accounts and email. This is the "easiest" option, but it is also the least effective.
* Inviting your guests to an online event or group. I will set this up for you, and then you send out the invites. In the event or group, I will make daily posts about products and I will answer any questions you or your friends might have. The more you interact, the more successful your party will be!
*Hostessing an event in your home or business. You invite your guests, I bring all of my goodies and perform makeovers and product demonstrations.
- Earn rewards! As your friends purchase items through your party link, you earn Hostess rewards! These rewards post to your shopping account as Y-Cash AND half-price products!
Frequently asked questions-
Does it cost money to be a hostess?
No way, Jose! It's totally free!
Do I have to post about products?
I will post product information, but the more you interact, the more successful your party will be. If you have a product you LOVE, post pictures and your testimonial! Your friends know you and will trust your honest opinion.
Can I keep track of my Hostess rewards during the party?
Yes! You can click your party link any time to see a chart that will show where you are with rewards. The only people who can see this info are myself and you, so don't worry about anyone else viewing it!
As always, you can check out our amazing products here!: www.youniqueproducts.com/JulieMaher
Why I love my makeup so much...it's not what you think.
Makeup. It seems like a little thing to a lot of people, and in the grand scheme of life- it IS a little thing.
Today, I want to explain why it is such a big deal to me.
Sometimes I hear comments like, "You should embrace your inner beauty," "I just don't wear makeup," and, "You only care so much because you're making money off of it."
I usually take these comments with a smile...but lately, I've been taking them a little more personally. Here's why:
I am ALL for embracing inner beauty. Who you are inside is so much more important than what you show on your skin. However, when I hear these comments, they are usually from men, or women who have naturally beautiful skin. Obviously, I'm not a man. And, I have never had naturally beautiful skin- but Younique is getting me there.
Since I was very young (I'm talking...8 years old), I have been "blessed" with horrible acne and majorly dark circles under my eyes (caused by allergies and my fabulous genetics). I have tried every cure for both- from prescription medications, to chemical peels, to microdermabrasions at $100 per treatment. I have been to countless allergy doctors. I have received test after test, taken allergy shots, allergy drops, painful procedures that I will never forget. I have seen over 20 dermatologists and even a plastic surgeon. Everyone had some terrifying option for me- most, I tried. NOTHING has helped. Until I started using Younique- a naturally based cosmetic and skin care company.
Not only has Younique drastically cleared up my acne, it has allowed me to wear the least amount of makeup I have ever been able to get away with. Today (and most days), I am wearing primer and powder. THAT'S it! That is like a dream come true for me. My typical daily makeup used to consist of: primer, TONS of concealer, foundation, powder, all of the other stuff (eyeshadow, blush, etc), and TONS of oil absorbing sheets throughout the day. Just leaving my house was always super stressful for me. Most people don't "get it," but those who have dealt with my skin issues will understand. I used to have to worry about my appearance from the moment I left my house until the moment I got back home. I was shy. I wanted to hide.
Now, here's why I LOVE selling Younique. Obviously, I'm obsessed with their products because they have helped me so much. But here's what I do with the money I earn.
First, let me give you a little background. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease. It's not as scary as it sounds, but it IS exhausting. Basically, my immune system attacks my body all day, every day, instead of reserving itself for viruses and other things that it is actually supposed to be fighting. It makes me feel exhausted, and it definitely makes me look exhausted!
When Callie was born, she had some health issues that we are still monitoring. She's fine, but we have to keep an eye on things.
So, between my health and Callie's health, we are both FINE, but it costs a ton of money to make sure we stay that way.
The money I make from Younique is helping me pay off our medical bills, and my other debt from college- so I can focus on what matters in life, instead of constantly worrying about how long I have until the next medical bill rolls in.
So...in a nutshell- Younique has allowed me to have peace. Both with my physical appearance, and as a an adult with substantial financial burdens.
Is makeup a little thing? Yes. Is Younique a little thing? No. It's a life changer.
So, to the founders of this amazing company, if you ever read this- thank you SO much for the opportunities. I will be forever grateful and can't wait to see what the future holds.
Today, I want to explain why it is such a big deal to me.
Sometimes I hear comments like, "You should embrace your inner beauty," "I just don't wear makeup," and, "You only care so much because you're making money off of it."
I usually take these comments with a smile...but lately, I've been taking them a little more personally. Here's why:
I am ALL for embracing inner beauty. Who you are inside is so much more important than what you show on your skin. However, when I hear these comments, they are usually from men, or women who have naturally beautiful skin. Obviously, I'm not a man. And, I have never had naturally beautiful skin- but Younique is getting me there.
Since I was very young (I'm talking...8 years old), I have been "blessed" with horrible acne and majorly dark circles under my eyes (caused by allergies and my fabulous genetics). I have tried every cure for both- from prescription medications, to chemical peels, to microdermabrasions at $100 per treatment. I have been to countless allergy doctors. I have received test after test, taken allergy shots, allergy drops, painful procedures that I will never forget. I have seen over 20 dermatologists and even a plastic surgeon. Everyone had some terrifying option for me- most, I tried. NOTHING has helped. Until I started using Younique- a naturally based cosmetic and skin care company.
Not only has Younique drastically cleared up my acne, it has allowed me to wear the least amount of makeup I have ever been able to get away with. Today (and most days), I am wearing primer and powder. THAT'S it! That is like a dream come true for me. My typical daily makeup used to consist of: primer, TONS of concealer, foundation, powder, all of the other stuff (eyeshadow, blush, etc), and TONS of oil absorbing sheets throughout the day. Just leaving my house was always super stressful for me. Most people don't "get it," but those who have dealt with my skin issues will understand. I used to have to worry about my appearance from the moment I left my house until the moment I got back home. I was shy. I wanted to hide.
Now, here's why I LOVE selling Younique. Obviously, I'm obsessed with their products because they have helped me so much. But here's what I do with the money I earn.
First, let me give you a little background. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease. It's not as scary as it sounds, but it IS exhausting. Basically, my immune system attacks my body all day, every day, instead of reserving itself for viruses and other things that it is actually supposed to be fighting. It makes me feel exhausted, and it definitely makes me look exhausted!
When Callie was born, she had some health issues that we are still monitoring. She's fine, but we have to keep an eye on things.
So, between my health and Callie's health, we are both FINE, but it costs a ton of money to make sure we stay that way.
The money I make from Younique is helping me pay off our medical bills, and my other debt from college- so I can focus on what matters in life, instead of constantly worrying about how long I have until the next medical bill rolls in.
So...in a nutshell- Younique has allowed me to have peace. Both with my physical appearance, and as a an adult with substantial financial burdens.
Is makeup a little thing? Yes. Is Younique a little thing? No. It's a life changer.
So, to the founders of this amazing company, if you ever read this- thank you SO much for the opportunities. I will be forever grateful and can't wait to see what the future holds.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Reading With Your Kiddos
Are you reading with your kids?
I can hear you now, "But Juuuuulllliiiieeeee....It's SUMMER!"
It is so important that we read with our children. The foundation of learning is reading, and we all want our kids to be great learners, don't we?
Babies: Read to your babies! Even if they are wild maniacs like mine, sit in a chair and read out loud while they play. I promise, they are listening and learning. When they become more interested in what you're up to, allow them to sit in your lap while you read. Let them turn the pages and explore the book like a new toy.
Young children: Read to your children and let them read to you. Be patient and don't correct them unless they look to you for help. At this point, it's important that they become confident readers, not readers who are fearful of "doing it wrong."
Older children and teens: Ask your older kiddos to read to you! They may act like it's "totally lame" or whatever the kids are saying these days...but I promise, on the inside they are so proud to share their stories with you.
All ages: Let your children see you reading! Turn off the tv, sit back with a book, and just relax!
Monday, June 2, 2014
What a year!
Shoo! What a year this has been. I posted this morning that this past year has felt like being behind the wheel of a race car, all day, every day... and that's really the best analogy! I feel like I've been going, going, and watching everything fly by. It's been fun, exhausting, and life-changing. So many things have happened and I feel like I'm blowing up everyone's Facebook with all of my updates, so I'm just going to write all of my new happenings here! :)
My Baby Girl Turned 1 (insert sobs here)
It's true. It's a strange feeling. On one hand, it feels like this year went by in the blink of an eye. On the other hand, I can't remember life before her, so it feels like she has been a part of my life from Day 1.
Callie's first year of life (not counting the 9 months that she was in my belly...because I consider that life too) got off to a rough start.
"Birth day" - I went into this whole mom business with the idea that my child would be born, the doctor would place her on my chest, and we would cuddle and look longingly into eachother's eyes. Boy, was I wrong. Callie wasn't breathing when she was born. It's a long story why (so we won't go there), but I remember the room being suddenly FILLED with medical personnel, the doctor having a look of panic on her face, and not hearing a sound from my baby. Everyone was swarmed around her and I couldn't see a thing. It's probably a good thing I had an epidural and couldn't move, because I probably would have gone all crazy-lady if I could have used my legs.
After they got her breathing and crying, they wrapped her up, and whisked her away. Luckily my mom spoke up, "Wait a second...aren't you going to let her see her first?" So...I got to look a her for a second, then they took her away.
The rest of that day and night were AGONIZING. We got to visit Callie briefly. She was in a plastic box with tubes and needles sticking out of just about every appendage. We couldn't hold her, and were told we could touch her hand and foot, but we absolutely could not rub her skin. I didn't even try to hold it together...I was a hot mess.
I wish I could say that the day my daughter was born was the happiest day of my life...but it wasn't. It was probably the worst. I can't imagine the pain that parents experience when they lose a child. Just the thought of losing her was the worst pain I can imagine. However, on Day 3, we got good reports and were finally told, "Yes, you WILL get to take her home...eventually." THIS was the happiest day of my life.
Callie spent 11 days in the NICU and we were lucky enough to spend the last two nights there with her. I think the doctors finally got tired of my hissy fits every time they told us we had to go home.
Since bringing her home, every day has been pure joy (with a few bits of frustration and exhaustion...okay, lots of bits of exhaustion). She is literally the best baby ever. She has slept through the night EVERY NIGHT since we brought her home, except for a few times when she was sick. She is brave, funny, kind, and looks like a pretty version of her handsome daddy. :) I am beyond excited to spend the next three months at home with her.
Here she is in all her glory:
My Baby Girl Turned 1 (insert sobs here)
It's true. It's a strange feeling. On one hand, it feels like this year went by in the blink of an eye. On the other hand, I can't remember life before her, so it feels like she has been a part of my life from Day 1.
Callie's first year of life (not counting the 9 months that she was in my belly...because I consider that life too) got off to a rough start.
"Birth day" - I went into this whole mom business with the idea that my child would be born, the doctor would place her on my chest, and we would cuddle and look longingly into eachother's eyes. Boy, was I wrong. Callie wasn't breathing when she was born. It's a long story why (so we won't go there), but I remember the room being suddenly FILLED with medical personnel, the doctor having a look of panic on her face, and not hearing a sound from my baby. Everyone was swarmed around her and I couldn't see a thing. It's probably a good thing I had an epidural and couldn't move, because I probably would have gone all crazy-lady if I could have used my legs.
After they got her breathing and crying, they wrapped her up, and whisked her away. Luckily my mom spoke up, "Wait a second...aren't you going to let her see her first?" So...I got to look a her for a second, then they took her away.
The rest of that day and night were AGONIZING. We got to visit Callie briefly. She was in a plastic box with tubes and needles sticking out of just about every appendage. We couldn't hold her, and were told we could touch her hand and foot, but we absolutely could not rub her skin. I didn't even try to hold it together...I was a hot mess.
I wish I could say that the day my daughter was born was the happiest day of my life...but it wasn't. It was probably the worst. I can't imagine the pain that parents experience when they lose a child. Just the thought of losing her was the worst pain I can imagine. However, on Day 3, we got good reports and were finally told, "Yes, you WILL get to take her home...eventually." THIS was the happiest day of my life.
Callie spent 11 days in the NICU and we were lucky enough to spend the last two nights there with her. I think the doctors finally got tired of my hissy fits every time they told us we had to go home.
Since bringing her home, every day has been pure joy (with a few bits of frustration and exhaustion...okay, lots of bits of exhaustion). She is literally the best baby ever. She has slept through the night EVERY NIGHT since we brought her home, except for a few times when she was sick. She is brave, funny, kind, and looks like a pretty version of her handsome daddy. :) I am beyond excited to spend the next three months at home with her.
Here she is in all her glory:
She is truly the light of my life, my ray of sunshine, and all of those other cheesy things.
Other happenings:
I wrapped up an AMAZING year of teaching!
This year, I switched from Third Grade to Kindergarten. I thought it would be less pressure. Boy, was I wrong! (Are you seeing a pattern, here?)
BUT! I didn't switch grades for the pressure...I switched because since being a part of an AMAZING Kindergarten class through student teaching, I have dreamed of running that circus awesomeness. My first day was like herding cats, but within a few weeks, I had it down and was really loving going to work every day.
I have to say, I couldn't have done it without the special group that made up my class. Those kiddos became my kiddos. THEY taught ME so much, and I hope I taught them a little bit too. ;)
I became a Younique Independent Presenter.
So, one day...I was playing on Instagram and saw a picture of a friend's INSANE eye lashes. I used to have really long lashes..then I had a baby. I was intrigued..so I asked her what was up. She told me about Younique lashes and I immediately (honestly..right that second) ordered a set. They came in, I loved them, and I really loved their natural ingredents and CRUELTY FREE policy, so I thought, "What the hey.." and signed up to become a presenter.
I started as a hobby and my business has really taken off. I just received a promotion and will be attending a swanky 3-day convention in August. Par-TAY! :)
I have to admit though...I am a COMPLETE makeup snob, so I wasn't really interested in their other products because I thought I wouldn't like them. Boy, was I... you get it.
I have been using Younique's facewash, moisturizer, primer, foundation, pigments, lashes, and gloss religiously and I couldn't be happier with the results.
My super sensitive, acne-prone skin has calmed down SO much and I REALLY love the assurance that there are no harsh chemicals touching my body and no sweet little animals are harmed to create these products. Win, win.
Check them out, here: www.youniqueproducts.com/JulieMaher
Oh, and I started making teething necklaces.
Amber teething what?! A few years ago, I spent Christmas with my family and noticed that my infant niece was wearing a necklace. My sister-in-law told me that it helped with teething pain and it was SO amazing, and in my head I was thinking, "Yeah..whatever. Hippie." (Okay, maybe not in those exact words, but I thought she was FULL OF IT.)
Fast forward a bunch of years, and I had a screaming, crying, slobbering baby. We were giving her Tylenol twice a day and I was hating it. I'm not a fan of chemicals and artificial yuckiness, if you haven't gathered that yet.
I was desperate. I ordered a teething necklace. My child became an angelic, slobber free, baby.
Now...back track a few more years again. In college, my sweet friend Jeri got me into jewelry making.
So...my inner jewelry-maker-extraordinare was constantly feeling the urge to tear Callie's necklace apart and make it prettier. But I didn't.
Then, everywhere we went, moms and sweet little ol' grannies were asking me about her necklace. I would rave about it and tell them where they could buy one.
Then...the lightbulb came on. I could make jewelry, I was super passionate about medicine free options for babies...I should make and sell my own teething necklaces! DUH!
In my first day, I sold out of necklaces before I could even make them. I am currently waiting for my second (MUCH larger) shipment of stones, and will have more to post and sell next week.
I have set up an Etsy shop called The Calico Jewel (Get it? Calico-Callie, Jewel-Julie, Amber stones are brown and spotted like calico...anyway). Check it out! I will be posting necklaces there for sale and LOVE making custom orders, so I will be doing that as well.
Are you still reading this? Bless you.
I think that covers some of our happenings. I always start blogs and then forget about them...so hopefully I will keep up this time!
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